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CPU65xx_EN & AtariST
Tue, 13 Jun 2006
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I came across some work by Peter Wendrich www.syntiac.com where he has implemented a Commodore 64 including a rather neat 6502/6510 processor. I have not tested it, but it looks very good and correctly implements decimal mode arithmetic - something I am going to merge into the T65 core. It is mirrored here on the Library page.

In other news I am working with a chap know as ‘the FROG’ on converting the Atari Jaguar and Jaguar2 ASIC netlists into VHDL. This is a long term project, but we hope to recreate the unreleased Jaguar2 console in an FPGA.

Finally, I have been talking to a Wolfgang Förster on and off for the last year or so. www.http://www.experiment-s.de.com He has done an excellent job and got further than me with the AtariST chipset and has got the thing running. I am hoping to mirror the site here and produce a build of it. I am continuing with my own low level conversion of the Atari netlists, and am also designing a board to run it on.