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General ramblings
Thu, 15 Feb 2007
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Well, hello again. Is it too late for Happy New Year? Well Happy Chinese new year at least then. I have been spending quite a bit of time in China lately, which is one of the reasons for not updating this website so often.

I have been working on Wolfgang Foerster’s 68K core, attempting to run it along side a real chip to test it. This is going well but is quite time consuming. Does anybody have a software test suite for a 68K, perhaps for testing a software emulator? If so then please drop me a mail.

I have also been working on my arcade FPGA board with is going to be really flexible. It has an optional 68K on it and a large expansion connector into which you can plug a JAMMA adapter. I really want it as an AtariST development platform, but it will of course be great for running the games on. No idea yet on timescales and cost.

I realised that all I needed to finish the Scramble game was an AY-3-8910 VHDL implementation. Then I realised I already had one in the shape of the YM2149 code I have had knocking around for ages. I did have to write a 8255 core however - which I expected would take about ten minutes but ended up taking two evenings, it has so many funny modes. The audio board is complete and seems to work however, so I hope to release this platform soon. (however the pub is calling …)

Sean has sent me a Pacman Multigame release which I will stick up here shortly.

Right, enough chat - back to work.

p.s. it is damn cold in Stockholm at the moment, when do they turn the heating back on again ??