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ROM extraction
Sun, 22 Aug 2021
Arnim Läuger
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The previous post introduced a tracing procedure to extract logic gates from VLM5030’s layout information. This post shows how the procedure can be extended to extract VLM5030’s embedded ROMs.

Simple ROMs

The image below shows a portion of the sequencer ROM:

Tracing of sequencer ROM bitline 0 and equivelant circuit

Bitline 0 in the sequencer ROM
  • The blue metal bar is GND
  • The horizontal red metal bar is bitline 0 (out of 37)
  • The vertical orange polysilicon wires represent a total of 12 word lines
  • The greenish overlays on polysilicon are 5 transistors that short the bitline to GND under control of the respective word line

Applying the tracing procedure extracts the function of bitline 0: It’s a NOR with 5 inputs.

To generalize the picture, we can conclude that each bitline is a NOR with 12 inputs. Each input is either 0 or 1, depending on the presence of a word line transistor:

  • No word line transistor —> ‘0’
  • Word line transistor present —> ‘1’

The other bitlines follow the same NOR concept, just with different combinations of word lines as inputs. Not too bad, this ROM is just a stacked pile of NORs.

Translated to VHDL:

— 12 word lines xwl <= na0 & a0 & a1 & na1 & na2 & a2 & a3 & na3 & na4 & a4 & xa5 & xa6; — bitlines as NOR of word lines with transistor pattern xromdo <= (   00 => norf(xwl, “100110100100”),   01 => norf(xwl, “010110010100”), 02 => norf(xwl, “011010011000”),   …

Array of ROM slices

Extracting the ROM that stores the K-factors is a bit more complex since it’s partitioned into 6 independent tables. Each of which connects to a common bus to output the data.

Shown below is bitline 0 exhibiting the same composition of word line transistors as before. There are two differences this time, though: The bitline is gated by 2 enable transistors (ena2 & ena0) and there’s no pull-up transistor for termination.

Bitline 0 in KROM slice 2

Bitline 0 in KROM table 2

Remember the statement about logic gates without termination? The job’s not done until we hit a pull-up - it ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings.

Tracing back further, we end up at a fat pull-up transistor that finally terminates all the bitlines 0 from each of the tables:

KROM bit 0 as distributed complex NOR

The corresponding logic function follows the hierarchical structure of the K-factor ROM:

  • 10 NOR gates [9:0], generating the 10 bit output data vector (NOR[0] in the image above)
    • Each NOR with up to 6 inputs, collecting the corresponding bitlines of the 6 tables (bitlines 0 of tables 2 and 3 in the image above)
      • AND function, enabling the bitlines of the currently active table
        • The bitlines themselves, represented by OR functions of the word lines where transistors are present


Fat lady by カロリーネ

Job done.