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Video I/O board
Wed, 22 Apr 2009
I've just been finishing off the layout of the 68K daughter board and the video IO board (pictured below) for the Replay card. The IO board contains audio RCA connectors, front mounted joystick and SVHS / composite video outputs. These are needed to finish testing the main board before I can build some more. Testing of the main card is going...
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Replay booted
Thu, 16 Apr 2009
It's been a bit of a busy week, I was away for Easter and I am busy installing a kitchen, so I haven't had as much time as I would like to carry on with the board bring up. However, I've got a rough cut of the boot software optimised for the ARM. It's booting ok, flashing lights and talking...
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Replay lives....
Sun, 5 Apr 2009
Well, so far so good with the testing of the Replay board. The power supplies are all working well with good phase margin. I can configure the FPGA through the JTAG interface and flash the LEDs, so the clock generator is also working. I can find the ARM with the USB connection and configure it. The next step is to...
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Replay build continues
Wed, 1 Apr 2009
Here is a picture of the Replay board mid assembly. The BGA has been mounted as well as all the small capacitors and most of the ICs. I have all the parts now, so I hope to have the board fully built for the weekend...
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Replay BGA mounted
Sat, 28 Mar 2009
The first four prototype boards have had the FPGA BGA mounted. I'll assemble the rest of the parts during the week, so we are aiming for a fully assembled Replay board for power on test by the end of the week. All the connectors and components I have tried so far fit on the board :)...
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FPGAArcade development board
Mon, 10 Mar 2008
... is nearing completion (really, honest). Placement is complete and routing is going well. I hope to get some pictures up in a week or so. It is an ECX size board measuring about 14cm by 10cm and designed to fit in a case. It has a large Spartan3E Xilinx FPGA, quality audio and video output (including DVI) and a PIC...
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