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Blog: general

Replay2 Update
Mon, 12 Feb 2024
It’s been an exciting two months learning about the new Intel Agilex5 and the RK3588 used in our new Replay2 platform. The design and schematic are nearly completed – after a number of last minute changes/improvements. Samples of the part are on the way and we’ll post some detailed layout images and specs of the board in the near future. I’m also...
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Replay2 Teaser
Thu, 30 Nov 2023
It's been a long time coming, but we are really excited to announce that Replay2 will be based around the Intel Agilex5 FPGA...
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Namco CUS34 - second mode.
Thu, 6 Jul 2023
I'm fully focused on Replay2 currently, but just a quick update on the Namco CUS34 replacement. I really wanted to complete the alternative mode used on ToyPop and Libble Rabble. Using my 20 year old bit of vero-board, I can compare the replacement and real chip directly. The logic analyzer connects to both parts and dip switches let me isolate outputs...
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Namco CUS34 reverse engineering
Thu, 18 May 2023
I've been shipping Namco CUS34 replacements for a while and the majority of the engineering work was done over 10 years ago. Reverse engineering the silicon by decapsulation of the die, taking pictures and manually tracing them is best way to understand what is going on, but it's very time consuming. Most of these chips are quite simple and have...
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New toy - Agilent N5998A HDMI/DVI Analyser
Sat, 31 Oct 2020
Well, more time has passed. I had surgery on my jaw a few weeks ago in an attempt to remove part of a wisdom tooth that was left behind a few years ago. I'm in recovery, but it really knocked me out for a bit. We are making good progress on both the DE10-nano support and Replay2 - more info shortly. I...
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CRT Characterization and Emulation
Fri, 19 Jun 2020
I think many people agree that retro hardware looks best on CRTs from the same period. The downside is CRTs are expensive, bulky and hard to get hold of now. I've got a small Sony PVM I use for testing, and a large Sony broadcast monitor that is most often used as a coffee table to be honest. Modern screens have...
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Replay2 and DE10-nano support
Fri, 19 Jun 2020
Sorry it's been a bit quiet here for the last few months. I had to move flat three times since January and all the retro kit has been in storage. Work has been intense and it's only the last week or two that life is calming down enough to get the Retro stuff back on track. The initial plan was to...
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