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Replay 68060 daughterboard
Mon, 11 Sept 2017
The layout for the Replay 68060 board is complete and has been sent for manufacture. It adds 128MB of local RAM, USB, Ethernet, RTC as well as additional Midi and LED IO connectors. The picture below is a quick mock-up to see if the components actually fit :)...
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New Amiga Core
Tue, 1 Aug 2017
\[et\_pb\_section fb\_built="1" \_builder\_version="3.22"]\[et\_pb\_row \_builder\_version="3.25" background\_size="initial" background\_position="top\_left" background\_repeat="repeat"]\[et\_pb\_column type="4\_4" \_builder\_version="3.25" custom\_padding="|||" custom\_padding\_\_hover="|||"]\[et\_pb\_text \_builder\_version="4.0.7" hover\_enabled="0" text\_font\_size\_tablet="51" text\_line\_height\_tablet="2" header\_font\_size\_tablet="51" header\_line\_height\_tablet="2" border\_style="solid"] A new Amiga core was just released with a fix on the RTG interrupt + new RTG driver that handle the interrupt correctly. Download:  \[/et\_pb\_text]\[/et\_pb\_column]\[/et\_pb\_row]\[/et\_pb\_section]...
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New Amiga RTG Driver
Tue, 1 Aug 2017
\[et\_pb\_section bb\_built="1"]\[et\_pb\_row]\[et\_pb\_column type="4\_4"]\[et\_pb\_text] A new Amiga RTG driver was just released with some fixes. Download:  \[/et\_pb\_text]\[/et\_pb\_column]\[/et\_pb\_row]\[/et\_pb\_section]...
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More recovered Atari documents
Fri, 26 Aug 2016
Still working on reformatting the archive, hopefully Christian well get some time to tidy up the PDFs. Here's the unsorted ones I extracted. I've contacted the original tool vendor, just in case they will help us with the recovery process.   /Mike...
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Server update
Sun, 8 May 2016
I'm starting the work on updating the website and servers. The developers SVN will be off line for a few moments today. /Mike...
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Forum down (Now fixed)
Fri, 29 Apr 2016
You may have noticed the forum is down. This appears to be a problem with the hosting company after an update. I have run a full back now and we are working on it .... ... And it's all ok again. Happy Friday!...
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Hardware stuff
Thu, 14 Apr 2016
The forum is really the place to see regular updates, but I thought it was time for a summary here. The Amiga code is pretty stable. Work is being done to add RTG interlaced modes and increase CPU performance further, but the main focus at the moment is on hardware. I've been working with some new suppliers and assemblers, using my Namco...
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