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Sat, 2 Jun 2007
I have ordered more of the 28pin Namco custom replacements, so these will be back in stock shortly. I've also got my hands on the very nice (thanks Eric) and it is pretty ideal for our gaming needs. I have Frogger and Scramble running but there are a few glitches that are taking a little longer to sort out than...
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General ramblings
Thu, 15 Feb 2007
Well, hello again. Is it too late for Happy New Year? Well Happy Chinese new year at least then. I have been spending quite a bit of time in China lately, which is one of the reasons for not updating this website so often. I have been working on Wolfgang Foerster's 68K core, attempting to run it along side a real...
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Pacman update
Wed, 25 Oct 2006
Minor update, I have released the Pacman code for the Xilinx Spartan3E Starter Kit board. Available on the Pacman page...
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Space Invaders Multigame
Tue, 17 Oct 2006
Sean Riddle has been working on extending the Space Invaders implementation to support multiple games, and this is now released on the Space Invaders page. A total of 16 different games are supported running from the Strataflash on the Spartan3e starter kit...
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Bally Astrocade in Hi-Res
Sun, 1 Oct 2006
At long last I have completed the Bally Astrocade Hi-Res additions. It is available for download on the Platforms\Bally Astrocade page. Hopefully somebody will write some software to use it :)...
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Holidays are over....
Wed, 27 Sept 2006
Well, the summer holidays are over, the annual get (very) drunk at IBC been survived (just) so it is time for some new stuff. I have released the Spartan3E port of the Bally Astrocade, you can get that on the Platforms page. Sean Riddle found and fixed a bug in the T80 core, so there is a update to that on the...
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Spatan3e starter kit
Sun, 25 Jun 2006
I was a bit upset that the Spartan3E starter kit from Xilinx has only single bit RGB on its VGA connector. This is a real limitation when running the games on the board - so I have modified it. I have documented the changes required, and have released some VGA test pattern generator code which will allow you to test...
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Game updates
Tue, 20 Jun 2006
Arnim Läuger has updated some of the projects. Adventure Vision has been updated with a new T400 core. Colecovision and LadyBug have had the SN76489 audio chip updated. The SN76489 and VDP19 (TMS9918A, TMS9928A,TMS9929A) cores from the designs have been repackaged and are available together with some short READMEs on the Librarys page. Time to watch the Sweden England football game. As...
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