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Blog: general

68000 soft core debug
Wed, 28 Apr 2010
The PCB house unfortunately made a mistake with the impedance control on the Replay boards. They have re-made them now and they are on the way to Beijing where I can rescue them. The Chrontel DACs have also arrived at the distributor and are making their way here. Some other parts I am still waiting for however. I have been playing...
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Replay RevB layout update
Tue, 6 Apr 2010
I have samples of the Chrontel DACs so I've decided to push on and build a few boards at least now. I've updated the schematic and layout drawings in the previous post and told the PCB house to re-process and complete the boards. Waiting for the components has given me time to refine the layout a bit and I'm pretty happy...
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RevB assembly holdup
Mon, 29 Mar 2010
The RevB Replay PCB is waiting in China for some parts. For some reason a number of components are on two month lead time at the moment, which is a bit annoying. I'm trying to get samples of the missing parts so I can at least populate a few proto boards to test here in Sweden. I have quite a lot...
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Amiga AGA up and running
Tue, 9 Mar 2010
The RevB Replay PCBs are currently being manufactured. We should have boards in 2-3 weeks. I'll post more details of the new board over the next few days. Jakub has a demo of the board running Amiga with AGA available here :   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn4ZzLH6MpE...
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First look at Replay RevB
Wed, 27 Jan 2010
The RevB Replay PCB respin is taking shape. The main reason for doing this is to fix a Chrontel power issue. I've taken the opportunity to move the connectors to one side, and it has composite/SVHS output on the board as well now. The power has moved to the back,as if the card is in a mini-itx case you can...
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Happy Christmas
Sun, 27 Dec 2009
First of all, Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone. Wow, another month has gone by already. This ASIC project I am working on has had some last minute hiccups, and I am still very busy working on that. Mid Jan will see it done I hope, and I am going back to China then. So, the aim now is to get...
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Replay RevB schematic complete
Fri, 20 Nov 2009
Right, I'm back on the case. I've had quite a lot going on in my life, but things are settling down again now. I'm involved with taping out an ASIC which has one of the biggest die areas in the world, so it's been very challenging and taken all my time. I've also got behind on some contract work, but thats...
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Replay 'B'
Mon, 21 Sept 2009
I've completed the PCB library work for the new parts. This was a bit more complex that I expected as I had limited data on some of the connectors. I have placed everything on the board and am working on the routing now. We are still discussing some changes to the joystick ports, but once we have sorted that out...
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