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Blog: general

Game updates
Tue, 20 Jun 2006
Arnim Läuger has updated some of the projects. Adventure Vision has been updated with a new T400 core. Colecovision and LadyBug have had the SN76489 audio chip updated. The SN76489 and VDP19 (TMS9918A, TMS9928A,TMS9929A) cores from the designs have been repackaged and are available together with some short READMEs on the Librarys page. Time to watch the Sweden England football game. As...
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CPU65xx_EN & AtariST
Tue, 13 Jun 2006
I came across some work by Peter Wendrich where he has implemented a Commodore 64 including a rather neat 6502/6510 processor. I have not tested it, but it looks very good and correctly implements decimal mode arithmetic - something I am going to merge into the T65 core. It is mirrored here on the Library page. In other news I...
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Colecovision Release
Mon, 16 Jan 2006
Arnim Läuger has completed his implementation of Coleco's third generation video game console from 1982. This was the first console to feature Donkey Kong and sold over six million units. Arnim has tested the code with more than 50 games, so head over to the Platforms menu to have a play. Oh, and Happy new year to all ! I have now...
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Lady Bug update
Mon, 19 Dec 2005
Arnim Läuger has updated the Lady Bug project during the last few weeks. Code cleanup, memories are tech independent now, ported to Spartan IIe and added support for devices with small internal RAM...
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Lady Bug
Mon, 7 Nov 2005
Arnim Läuger has added LadyBug to the growing number of FPGA game conversions, and he has been kind enough to allow it to be included here. Just click on the Games menu over on the right.... go on......
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Happy Christmas
Thu, 23 Dec 2004
A little news update before the end of the year. Currently under development and nearing completion are Xevious and Scramble games. These releases will include a AY-3-8910 sound chip core, and I will also be releasing details of the Namco Customs used. I am also working on the StarWars vector game, but that is a little further off. The vector rasterizer...
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Asteroids update
Mon, 19 Jul 2004
New release of Asteroids to fix some minor sound bugs. Added some links (including a Donkey Kong game) and started the Bally Astrocade page. If I stopped actually playing Asteroids, I would have finished Scramble by now :) p.s. Happy Birthday to my sister Susan...
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